
The GOQii Cancer Survey offers significant insights into perceptions, fears, and awareness related to cancer, highlighting widespread concern about the disease in India.

The survey reveals that 60% of respondents are worried about the possibility of getting cancer, with levels of concern ranging from moderate to extreme. This fear is compounded by anxieties over potential death, financial hardships, and access to quality healthcare, along with concerns about environmental risks like pollution and radiation.

Despite awareness of the importance of healthy lifestyles, there is a notable deficiency in the adoption of regular screenings and vaccinations, signalling a need for more effective public health campaigns to boost preventive measures.

The survey underscores the urgent requirement for enhanced public education and support systems to address not only the medical aspects of cancer but also its psychological and financial impacts on individuals and families.

Overall, the GOQii Cancer Survey aims to foster a more proactive approach to cancer prevention and care, contributing to the development of comprehensive public health strategies and educational programs that could lead to a healthier future for the global population.

Vishal Gondal,
Founder & CEO, GOQii

60% of respondents reported moderate to extreme worry about developing cancer.

33% expressed significant concerns over the financial burden of cancer treatment.

24% feared death asa result of cancer, underscoring its perception as a terminal illness.

70% had not undergone any form of cancer screening in the past five years, despite awareness of its importance.

Dr Anurag Agrawal, Head, Koita Center for Digital Health, Dean of BioSciences and Health Research, Trivedi School of Biosciences, Ashoka University shared his insights: "As longevity increases, particularly when accompanied by unhealthy living, the risk of cancer unfortunately rises as well. It has become imperative that we focus on promoting preventive measures and fostering healthy habits to address this growing concern."

Luke Coutinho, Holistic Lifestyle Coach- Integrative Medicine, says “Cancer comes with the weight of fear, but knowledge, science, lifestyle medicine and epigenetics integrated with honest allopathic medicine, early screening and detection can change all of that …now is the time to awaken and make the change with faith, belief, action and science,”

Rajashree Menon - CBO Digital Health GOQii, says, “The GOQii Health Ecosystem supports cancer patients by integrating preventive care with treatment, screening, and post-treatment rehabilitation. We aim to reduce the anxiety of a cancer diagnosis by empowering patients throughout their journey, providing seamless care that enhances confidence and improves outcomes"

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